Holy Week & Easter Services
Palm Sunday 14th April
8.00am Said Communion St Baldred’s
9.15am Liturgy Of the Palms & Sung Eucharist St Adrian’s
11.00am Liturgy Of the Palms & Sung Eucharist St Baldred’s
For those who are able and weather permitting, the 9.15am & 11am services will begin in the church gardens with the blessing of palms and a procession into church.
ECUMENICAL HOLY WEEK SERVICES All the services are at 7.30pm
Monday St Adrian’s Tuesday Abbey Church
Wednesday Our Lady Star of the Sea
Maundy Thursday 18th April St Baldred’s
7.30pm Sung Eucharist of the Last Supper with footwashing
followed by silent vigil in the lady chapel (for those who wish to stay)
Good Friday 19th April
11.30am Short Communion St Baldred’s
noon – 3pm reflections on the hour and half hour, time for silent prayer
& Good Friday Liturgy at 2pm St Baldred’s
7.30pm Good Friday Service Aberlady Parish Church
EASTER DAY 21st April
5.30am Easter Liturgy St Baldred’s
9.30am All-age Eucharist followed by Easter Egg hunt St Adrian’s
11.00am All-age Eucharist followed by Easter Egg hunt St Baldred’s